
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Music Put Its Arms Around Me And Forced Me To Fall In Love

There is a quote by W.H. Auden that says, “music is the best means for digesting time.”

I wouldn’t doubt that because it has definitely got me through this quarantine, being trapped in my home with ample time to do while the spinning world takes a repose from the business of it all that it used to be. 

In this social distancing world where we are more and more creating these digital communities and finding time to learn something new every day, I have definitely been feeding my soul with purposeful creativity. Being in isolation made me realize how to access and control my superpowers better than I had before.

I have been unleashing my mindset through song and poetry. I have found different ways to give the world a taste of my skills. Music has found its way to dance quick circles around me and I had no choice by to simply jump in with a listening ear and a butterfly of speech to add my own creative juices into the universe. My time in quarantine has been a singing revolution from my heart because it has fueled me with confidence.

If music didn’t move me before this pandemic contagion, it has put its arm around me and forced me to fall in love with its sophisticated soul. It has been my wing of security. It has helped me to generate chuckles and smiles. And so, while I am trapped in my home, I seize every moment to listen to sultry voices of different instruments blaring through my amplified speakers and also, different podcasts and on-line seminars that have helped me to rise above the circumstances that the coronavirus has left us in which has helped me go gain more self-esteem and I am so thankful for that.

If you are like me and in these trying moments, music make you think differently, perhaps you might be interested in discovering some music sounds that you may not have heard before. Music has given me an overwhelming sense of comfort and I would like to invite you to check out this music playlist created by E.N.D.I.E. FIYA, which has made a positive impact on my world.

While every spoon-fed thought about the coronavirus is being served that sends me into a frenzy, this playlist has spread love around the world. It features music from different indie artists, and it is a great listen. I am also excited to have one of my songs featured in this playlist among the many other songs that are presented which I found to be through enjoyable and heightened the mood of encouragement that felt just right in these crazy moments we are facing.

So here is the link to it if you are interested in listening:  

Hope you enjoy it. God bless you and be safe out there. Much love!


  1. I literally have been putting my spring and summer playlist together. I have to listen to music all of the time!
