
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Rehearsal Modes of JNote: Just A Sittin' And- a-Rollocking

Trying out my new camera I got for my computer. The C270 HD Webcam to be exact. I set it up and now just checking to see how useful it really might be to me.

So, why not try it out the best way I can; with my web series Rehearsal Modes of JNote.

This is the 17th edition. I never tried it live before so, this was a trial run.

Would you please watch it and tell me your thoughts. I love criticism because it is helpful for my furtherance.

I practice singing more than piano. I guess I always have. But I liked playign piano; especially for songwriting. I used it to produce my original tune

"Wherever You ARe." If you have never heard it, you can check out my tune here:

I'm not use to all this piano stuff but it's coming to me more and more because I was really using it mainly for writing songs prior to this.

Join my rehearsal and give me some feedback. I take lessons every now and again but this is my practice session one-on-one with my creative space, airing out my musical roar.

Hope you enjoyed this episode.

God bless!Check out my website for more


  1. How awesome! This is a nice tune. I'm glad the webcam is working for you.

  2. I think you do well on the piano. Keep practicing as that makes perfect

  3. Great episode! I love the tune, it is awesome. I can't wait to hear more of your stuff.

  4. Nice! I have zero music ability so this is cool!

  5. Nice post, you are good on the piano.

    1. I hope to be someday and I look forward to it as well.

  6. I always enjoy good music sounds like you have a gift!

    1. God has been so good to me and fir that I’m thankful. Blessings to you❣️

  7. That is a really good song. I am glad that you are getting a chance to develop your talent. Keep on going! I'm looking forward to seeing more.

  8. This is so awesome and the music is so great. THanks for sharingn.

  9. Love your honesty. You are amazing playing the piano and singing as well. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

  10. So great you are learning how to play the piano. It's really one of my favorite instruments. I just love the sound it makes.

  11. It is a nice tune.I listened till the end.You are singing very well.

  12. Piano is a great idea and it sounds great. practice makes perfect that is true

  13. Wow, love the vibe from your music! I always practice singing with the piano too. It helps me to focus on the notes and the pitch. Then when I am confident, I can build my own voice.

    1. So true. It really does open up your ears more.

  14. Good job! Learning an instrument is really hard work. I've heard it's even harder as an adult. Keep up the good work!

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