
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

T is For Twitter

Happy new year! The new year is a good time to make renovations to our lives which is why I think we start these resolutions with a sense of urgency, hoping that we will make possible the changes we want.

It is January 2019 everybody. Part of my plan for this year is to let people know the constructs of my existence. I mean why not. I labor over my life and trying to be fully present in the moment, I was hoping not to let the entirety of the first day of this 2019 year go by without letting you know that I am on Twitter. I thought it was quite a pleasing concept to share this fact with you.

I habitually update my page regularly, retweet, like, visit and check my page almost as frequently as the sun rises. Hopefully we can connect on Twitter. My username is musiqal1. Let’s follow each other and became twamily, keep in touch and rally the support of one another. 

I'd love that and look forward to vibing with you more and more this year. 


  1. Sure i'll follow you on twitter...

    1. Thank you. Happy to vibe, follow back and retweet anytime.

  2. I'll admit I don't use twitter as often as I use facebook, but I have followed you...looking forward to seeing more of your posts, and all the best for 2019!

  3. I’m actually not on Twitter. Maybe once I get familiar with blogging I’ll try twitter. I can only learn one new thing at a time though. Good luck on there also!

    1. I know what you mean. But thank you. Have a fantastic weekend and God bless!!!

  4. I spend less time on Twitter these days, but I will follow you nonetheless. :) I'm RebelSweetHrt on Twitter, by the way. ;)

    1. Oh cool. Okay. Will follow back. Thanks for being my readily!!!

  5. I have a twitter account and I think I've created that for more that 6 years now. Same with others I spend less time on Twitter but will try to go back and be an active user again.

    1. I had mine for a while too but just decided to use it more often.

  6. Thanks for sharing the good vibes. It reminds me that I really should dust off my twitter! But happy new year to you!

  7. I’m also trying to begin tweeting more & using twitter. When I was in HS/ undergrad it was so popular & now I’m starting to see the point of being active on it again!

  8. Happy new year! And have fun with Twitter. I must say I don't use it very often, but it sure is a lot of fun :-)

  9. We're already following each other on Twitter - yay! :)

    I hope you're enjoying the New Year so far.

  10. I hope you have a wonderful tweetful year in 2019. I'm fixing to go see if we follow each other on Twitter, I'm pretty sure we already do.
