We strive to be able to handle what we do as best as we can. We may not always be able to put out the same energy, even though we practice and aim for perfection, but getting into the music is something that we work towards because it is who we are; music! What we don't want to be is unable to execute.
Believe me, I understand the whole Sasha Fierce thing because I could be with no energy, practically falling asleep but put a mic in my hand and there I go, alive and with all this energy; as if I am a different person. Maybe it is Halloween for me every time I sing. And it is something I cannot explain. Some may follow through regardless of the odds. Some may not feel like they can handle it when life throws a hardball our way. Yet, we still are with a heart to be all that we can be to be considered well-rounded and serious.
We take on a gamut of
approaches to better our craft with hope that we might thrive in the artistic
scene. But while propelling ourselves for the duration of our lifeline on this
earth, it is important to remember that the art of comparing our musical journey with someone else's can be something
that might stymy the flow.
and Why Not Compare
I get it! There is so many of
us out there striving with very similar goals. How could you not compare? They
are working with fire and passion. You are working with fire and passion. Or
maybe you are not and then you see someone else achieving recognition and it
creates jealousy in you and may make you want to adjust to be or do what
everybody else is. Or perhaps it will make you feel out of place and as if you do not belong. But don't let the hype fool you. Everybody was a beginner. Every pro started somewhere. Every person had to crawl before they started walking. Everybody gets sick sometimes and cannot always come with the full plate of stamina all the time. And everybody messes up sometimes because nobody is perfect.
It is important to remember that just because someone else is doing something that you are not does not mean that is the ultimate way. We all think differently and do things in our own way. And just because you are not doing what they are someone else does, does not mean your method to the madness is the ultimate or that it is irrelevant.
It is important to remember that just because someone else is doing something that you are not does not mean that is the ultimate way. We all think differently and do things in our own way. And just because you are not doing what they are someone else does, does not mean your method to the madness is the ultimate or that it is irrelevant.
The Art of Comparison
Beyond music, the art of comparison has been the one thing that keeps love from flowing correctly. Just because you practice something in your tradition does not mean my cultural mores are wrong or of savage nature. And just because your culture practices a certain religion does not mean that is the only religion that is supposed to be practiced. And just because you are accustomed to dressing a certain way does not mean that mine are of any less value. Depends on the person. And just because you live your day in a specific way does not mean that everybody else has to be doing the same thing. You have your way and I have mine. Who's is right and who's is wrong? I am guessing that if we respect each other where we are knowing that the one thing we do have in common is that we share earthen space, even if we are different in culture, career decision, color, gender, sexual preference or religion. We are still family and that is the most important thing, regardless of the differences.
Please check out my song which speaks about this entitled "People United." It is off my newest album We Are People United with lyrics and vocals by Stephanie Jeannot and music by Paul Garrod and you can find it on spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/4Ct0gzHKwv2QG8MgxKA6tR
Please check out my song which speaks about this entitled "People United." It is off my newest album We Are People United with lyrics and vocals by Stephanie Jeannot and music by Paul Garrod and you can find it on spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/4Ct0gzHKwv2QG8MgxKA6tR
Now let's take it to the bridge. . .
Comparisons in Music
If you have perfect pitch and the next person does not. So, what? You have a clear tone and the person next to you has a lisp? So, what? He always nails that high note but you can’t? No need for feeling doubtful about it. Each person's timbre is as unique as a thumb print. So, what? You have energy on the stage and feel comfortable moving around but the next singer stands still while singing. So what? You got musical education at Berkeley and he got some musical insight from Barry Harris and from jam sessions. So what? He speaks with a beautiful tone and I am singing with this crazy foreign accent. That does not mean you are someone not worth listening to and respecting. That just means you have an accent. So what? She knows more songs than I and I know more of the lyrics of my originals than the Top 40 tunes. So what. Be-you-tiful! That is what it is all about. Being you and loving what you uniquely do. But that is what you uniquely do. Let's stop looking at our own selves, putting down others ways of getting things done and respect each other. Regardless of who we are and how someone else approaches, I find that I can learn from them in even the most minor way, even though we are all unique in our own way.
If you have perfect pitch and the next person does not. So, what? You have a clear tone and the person next to you has a lisp? So, what? He always nails that high note but you can’t? No need for feeling doubtful about it. Each person's timbre is as unique as a thumb print. So, what? You have energy on the stage and feel comfortable moving around but the next singer stands still while singing. So what? You got musical education at Berkeley and he got some musical insight from Barry Harris and from jam sessions. So what? He speaks with a beautiful tone and I am singing with this crazy foreign accent. That does not mean you are someone not worth listening to and respecting. That just means you have an accent. So what? She knows more songs than I and I know more of the lyrics of my originals than the Top 40 tunes. So what. Be-you-tiful! That is what it is all about. Being you and loving what you uniquely do. But that is what you uniquely do. Let's stop looking at our own selves, putting down others ways of getting things done and respect each other. Regardless of who we are and how someone else approaches, I find that I can learn from them in even the most minor way, even though we are all unique in our own way.

I'll never forget the year that I dressed up one year as a princess and realized I didn't have a crown. Thank God there was a Burger King around though because a few minutes later, I had a pretty gold one. LOL! We went to that grade school party and I saw some great costumes there and we all had a blast. I think the costumes are my favorite thing about Halloween. I love to see how people dress up, all so creative and different. I also love all the awesome decor.
So did you decorate? Here is a Halloween themed art of comparison to end this post. I was walking down the streets of my neighborhood and noticed all the beautiful and outrageous décor that the people in my vicinity had ornamented their homes with. I saw theirs and I thought of the little I put up around my house and was like, dang! I thought about heading back to the store to get more decorations. But then I changed my mind. So what if they dressed up every inch of their homes in such amazing ways? Mine was decorated too; just in my own way.
Mine looked nice too; didn’t it? 😊 I think I have enough candy too for all the trick or treaters. Happy Halloween everybody! Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!
You have such a great voice. I listened to the entire song twice!!
ReplyDeleteHaha that comparison on the photo theirs vs mine is so true! I can't wait -- only few more days till Halloween!
ReplyDeleteComparisons can be good because it helps us to grow. Just don't do it too much for sure!
ReplyDeleteI love that song!! I'm Haitian and grew up in a very religious home so even though I'm old enough, I tend to stay away from decorating too "Halloween-ish" lol
ReplyDeleteConstructive comparison can always be good for a lot of things. I really liked reading your perspective on it!! :)
ReplyDeleteWe are all unique and have unlimited potential! We can learn and grow from each other by respecting our differences.
ReplyDeleteWow! You have a wonderful voice. How i wish my voice is beautiful as yours.