
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Congratulations to the class of 2020

Students often work around the  clock to claim success. It is their way of being in control of the outcome of their story. Doing well at their studies gives students a clear path to the stars and so, they pursue their education with diligence and devotion.

I have to give it to those students who were engaged in the great struggle of learning virtually; especially who were on the verge of becoming a class of 2020 graduate. Their
story is one I would consider as being unique because they had to deal with the
challenge of doing everything required to take off to the sky, online.

Thinking about that and so many of the students I had worked with who were about to advance to the next chapter of their journey made me remember life and how it felt to finally get to the last page of that part of my story. And I remembered all the first-hand exposure
and practice I did to make sure I had all the tools I needed to be able to walk
down the aisle with tears of joy rolling down my cheeks, to actually accept my
certificate of completion.

Thoughts of this ran through my mind when my sister sent me her intelligent and handsome son’s graduation picture. I looked at it and it made me want to dabble into a bit of creative expression while my excitement for his accomplishment was fresh in my mind. I’d say that I
went plowing full speed ahead and then not shortly after that, a song was born.
It is called “Moving Forward.” 

It is a song to celebrate the achievements of the students who put their all
into studying from the confines of home during the stressful time of the
pandemic and quarantine and were able to succeed. It is dedicated to all those
who were able to leverage the experience of the quietude and found success.

I felt such a feeling of elation for them that music came pouring out the well of my eyes; especially for my students and for my nephew.  Please check out the song here:

I created the drum track and then the piano overlay and added stacks of vocal harmonies to it and then sent the song to my friend John Mueller in Chicago, IL, who added a funky bass line and moving guitar strums to it. The song was completed just in time for me to share it with my nephew on the day of his graduation.

I’m so very inspired by their strength; that even through the obstacles, they did it.

Congratulations to the class of 2020. Job well done. 


  1. Love how this song has come about. Also like the upbeat nature to it. This is a tune.

  2. Love this! Yay to the class of 2020. My son just graduated :)

    1. Yay right. They did their thing. Congratulations to your son.

  3. Super love the music, what a great way to start the day, THANK YOU.

  4. The class of 2020 is going to remember this year for sure. They will be strong people

    1. It definitely is one for the history books.

  5. I can imagine it must have been very hard for 2020 graduating students. Sounds like you just made it in time with preparing the music!

  6. Congratulations to the Class of 2020. The song aptly describes the struggles you made for what achievement you have made so far.

  7. The class of 2020 sure is strong! I know so many students that just graduated!

  8. My son is a 2020 graduate and it's been an interesting last few months for sure. He didn't like the virtual learning as he likes a classroom environment, but he did it and had a virtual ceremony. Kind of sad that he didn't get to graduate and walk on stage like everyone else in former years.

    1. I agree. They so deserved to experience real classroom learning and a live ceremony. But thank God. Congratulations to your son.

  9. This is so great! It is important for us to lift them up as they had a very hard year. Awesome song!

  10. Congratulations to the class of 2020. This year had been hard and they would remember it. I liked the music upbeat.

  11. Yeah it is really amazing..Congratulations to class of 2020..indeed no doubt this year went really difficult especially for students...

  12. Gradution in 2020 definitely was something special. AT the same time it will be even more memorial

  13. This class has definitely faced many struggles to get to where they are!

  14. Congrats class of 2020! I hope everyone will remember the good times more than the bad :D

  15. Congratulations class 2020! Although things are a little different from the usual it is one for the books.

  16. Congrats to all those who graduated!

  17. Congratulations to all those who gradutated in 2020, this year is really historic in all ways possible and I am sure will be remembered in years to come as the start of this new online normal

  18. That was beautiful what you played. 2020 has definitely been a year that changed the game. The graduates are so strong and I wish them success in their future. Amazing post!!!!🤗

  19. Yes, congrats to the class of 2020! What a crazy year it has been. I can't even believe it.

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