Every year, Indaba Music hosts a number of different music competitions where artists can enter in and have an opportunity of winning. I have entered quite a few contests myself in the past because I wanted to see what would happen.
This year, Indaba Music once again hosts the 7th annual Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition. Artists are supposed to enter into the competition and submit three selections; one ballad, one mid-tempo or blues tune and one upbeat jazz song; one of which must be a cover of a song that the Divine One Sarah Vaughan has done.

This is my Ballad entry: "Tenderly - Stephanie Jeannot"
This is my Midtempo Blues entry: "Route 66 - Stephanie Jeannot" https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/7th-annual-sarah-vaughan-international-jazz-vocal-competition/submissions/6aa870be-74fa-11e8-ac47-0ecda187fe01
This is my Uptemo entry: "Caravan - Stephanie Jeannot" https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/7th-annual-sarah-vaughan-international-jazz-vocal-competition/submissions/3c68820e-74fd-11e8-8615-0ecda187fe01
Please listen and vote. Maybe you'll like one of them. Maybe you'll like more than one. Hopefully, you will at least take a listen.
Thank you so much in advance and God bless!