It’s nothing new under the sun
that the tongue holds immense power. We speak and have the power to change
people’s minds in either a positive or negative way. This week I want to use mine
to talk about driving drowsy.
Driving drowsy is a passionate
topic for me because a few years back, I happened to be driving drowsy. I had slept only but one hour the night before and spent the long day busy doing things, then went to a gig doing the very taxing thing of singing live only to drive home more exhausted than I should have been, and it
took just one second of me closing my eyes while behind the wheel to have an accident that left
bewildering hurt and altered my life in so many ways. How many times can I say that I have driven tired coming from late night gigs in the past with my eyes closing at traffic lights or stops and nothing as immense as this has ever happened. But it only takes one time and you just never know when it will be.
I can’t even explain to you the mental calisthenics that I have been through ever since and though I survived it without a scratch on my body, I still muster sympathy for the fact that it happened. My car was nearly totaled but I was okay. If anything proved to me the power of faith and that God truly is love, it was the moment that I realized the precious cargo of the woman that he created in me's life was spared.
Thankful that God kept me and I’m still here to talk about my testimony. Unfortunately, it is not the same for many others.
I can’t even explain to you the mental calisthenics that I have been through ever since and though I survived it without a scratch on my body, I still muster sympathy for the fact that it happened. My car was nearly totaled but I was okay. If anything proved to me the power of faith and that God truly is love, it was the moment that I realized the precious cargo of the woman that he created in me's life was spared.
Thankful that God kept me and I’m still here to talk about my testimony. Unfortunately, it is not the same for many others.
“The National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration conservatively estimates that 100,000 police
reported crashes each year are caused primarily by drowsy driving and that such
crashes result in more than 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries and $12.5 billion in
monetary losses" (National Sleep Foundation). The numbers are quite
alarming to me. I know that it is said that every 4th car on the road is under
the influence but, who would have thought that this number would include being
under the influence of tiredness? Be careful when coming home from gigs because after putting all that energy into giving a great performance or any job that requires lots of effort and energy, you just never know what the result could be while driving tired and with drowsiness. Please be safe on those roads.
Driver fatigue drowsy driving Anti Sleep Alarm System
This week from November 5 to
12th celebrates Drowsy Driving Prevention Week and because this is a subject I
am very passionate about, I will dedicate this week’s episode of my radio
show Jazz on the JNote to discuss ways to prevent falling asleep behind the
wheel while driving because there are many that can spare the lives of those busy people who have no choice but to drive under the influence of exhaustion.
I will stress that my show is not a talk show. It is jazz based and the music is non-stop. However I will discuss ways to stay alert on the road such as chewing gum, or using your hands free device to have a conversation with a friend among other ways to prevent drowsy driving, while playing songs that stress on these ideas.

Please tune in this Sunday
evening, November 5, 2017 at 7PM EST for Jazz on the Jnote. You can tune
in by visiting or to tune in.
It’s not what you do but how
it’s done and because we are rational by design, let’s weigh in the decision to
drive safely and if you are tired, make the healthy decision of not getting
behind the wheel. Have a blessed and wonderful week and please stay safe on the
roads. Your life depends on it and so does everybody else who is on the road.
It is wonderful that you were able to walk away from that accident.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Woo hoo! Thankful for that. :)
DeleteYou are raising awareness for a brilliant cause because I think so many people are focused on whats going on in their lives or where they need to be, they forget that sleep can control us. I am so glad you were completely unharmed or that nobody else was and I am glad you are using the experience to warn others of the dangers. <3
ReplyDeleteYou are such an inspiring person :) Thanks for writing this informative post and reminding people that drowsy driving can be dangerous, too. I must admit that I am one of the people who need this reminder, so thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am really happy that you could get away from that. And it's really nice of you to talk about it and spread awareness.
ReplyDeleteI used to sing to keep myself awake. I know after a long night of singing more singing might not be what you want to do but it kept me awake. So happy that you survived and are spreading the word.
ReplyDeleteThere have been time when I myself am guilty of this. I don't do as much now since I became a parent, Now when I feel the sleeps coming on I just try to avoid the drive, but sometime you just can't and in this situation have forgone the cost of a room so my children can roam the room while my mom catches up on her zzzz's
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing such an important topic. It is sad to see so many accidents on the roads and especially when young drivers are not experienced. Well written article!
ReplyDeleteWow I'm glad that you were not hurt. Any day that you can leave the house any return unhurt is a blessing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a really important topic to talk. Glad you shared your experienced regarding on drowsy driving, it is very harmful. Everyone should have a self discipline about this, to avoid accident on the road.
ReplyDeleteBless you dear and surely everyone is not that lucky. This is so important important topic to discuss and share with everyone.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you shared your story! My husband and I have both had similar experiences. His was driving home tired in the snow one day. Mine was after a long day/night on my motorcycle. We both have since been extremely cautious about driving while tired. I hope more people put thought into it. For some, it can be worse than driving drunk.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about the Drowsy driving prevention week, this is so important and great cause to have awareness and prevent mishappenings due to drowsiness. It is great you were unharmed in the accident.
ReplyDeleteRaising awareness is very important and serves as a wake up call for many of that will come across your post. I'm glad your ok.
ReplyDeleteGood post. Important to bring awareness to this. You are lucky to have walked away from such an accident. <3
ReplyDeleteThis is such an interesting topic. Thanks you shared this kind of awareness to us. We must remember that we should not drive a car when we are tired, drowsy and especially when we are drunk. Safety first, the safe way is the best way. Glad you survived.
ReplyDeleteOh my god, I'm so happy that you are okay and thank you for talking about this. Everyone should read it!
ReplyDeleteGlad you didn't get hurt.. that's insane! actually even driving at night terrifies me to be honest
ReplyDeleteIt was great when you got out of the accident. This is a useful share for everyone to reduce the incidents on the road.
ReplyDeleteThis is an extremely important messages, because drowsy driving damages not only your own health but also the other people on the road. Innocent lives are endangered and it will be useless to blame yourself when things happen! Pass it on!